German: Native
Hungarian: Native
English: Fluent
Portuguese: Fluent
French: Advanced
Spanish: Independent user
Selected Professional Experience
Engel Consulting
Consultant for Conservation and Sustainability
03/11- present
Estoril, Portugal
Business solutions:
Energy, water and purchasing concepts for two holiday resorts in Sintra, Portugal, Atlantic Jungle (ongoing since 2014)
Material purchase consulting for a campervan furniture company, CamperCreatures (2019)
Sector Analysis: Co-author of
Report on the ecological impacts along the supply chains of the German aluminium and steel industries, WWF
Germany (2018)
Water Risk: Co- author of
Studies about the water risk of German and Swiss companies, WWF Germany (2014) and WWF Switzerland
(2016) -
Report on water demand and supply of growing cities, its ecological impacts and solutions, WWF Germany (2011)
Illegal Wildlife Trade:
Content development for the WWF Souvenir App, WWF Germany (2018)
Research, processing, analysis, and interpretation of data on illegal wildlife trade, Wildlife Justice Commission, EcoJust and IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) (2015 to 2018)
Research and background information on Portuguese wildlife trade legislation regarding online trade, IFAW
(2011) -
Compilation of a briefing document for participants of an expert workshop in preparation of a consumer
campaign against wildlife consumption in China and Vietnam, TRAFFIC International (2011)
Project evaluation:
Evaluation assessment for a primate health monitoring project in central Africa, WWF Germany (2017)
Author of a detailed background paper on marine Nature-based Solutions (science and policy) for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) (2021)
Author of a report on climate change in the Russian Arctic and its impact on reindeer populations, WWF Germany (2018)
Co-author of a report on bushmeat trade and its ecological and socioeconomic implications Central Africa,
WWF Germany (2012) -
Fundraising strategy for WWF’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative, WWF International (2012)​​
World Wide Fund for Nature and TRAFFIC Germany
Assistant, Species Conservation Focal Point
08/09 – 02/11
Frankfurt, Germany
Coordination between the Conservation and Marketing departments during WWF Germany’s Tiger Campaign in 2010
Coordination of a TRAFFIC report on illegal trade in tiger products in East and Southeast Asia, as a tool for policy
makers and customs and enforcement officials:
Data acquisition and supervised GIS map creation, coordination of input from project partners in Germany,
USA, and Malaysia. -
Analysis and interpretation of data and international policies, recommendations
Information and knowledge management for species conservation, illegal wildlife trade and species conservation policy:
Creation of species and project background papers, magazine and web articles and preparation of press
releases on wildlife conservation subjects -
Preparation of presentations for CITES CoP 15, the IWC meeting 2010 and the International Tiger Summit in
November 2010
Natural Resource Management Consultant
08/07- 03/09
Cascais, Portugal
Finalisation of the M&E system for the project “Protection of the Natural Resources of the Island of Fogo”, a German- Capeverdian development cooperation project commissioned by KfW Entwicklungsbank. GOPA Consultants - Gesellschaft für Organisation, Planung und Ausbildung, Fogo, Cape Verde (2007)
Development and implementation of an M&E system for the recently established “Parque Natural do Fogo”
(Fogo Natural Park) -
Management of project’s GIS database, tutorials for GPS use and data collection methods for the Ministry’s
Participation in an Environmental Impact Survey for two small hydropower plants at the Mur river, Austria. Büro für Freilandökologie und Naturschutzplanung, Graz, Austria (2009)
Realisation of sample plot inventories for two German state and city forests. Silva Verde GmbH, Germany (2008)
Euronatura- Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
Director (from 04/07) and Project Coordinator
10/05- 12/07
Lisbon, Portugal
Coordination of the project “In search of environmentally harmful subsidies in Portugal” aimed at informing the public and politicians about direct and indirect subsidies with adverse effects on the environment:
Setup and maintenance of the project web site,
Publication of a pamphlet with recommendations on environmental taxation in the Portuguese State Budget
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
Research Assistant, Diploma Student
01/04- 08/04
Hawaii, USA
Responsibility for the vegetation part of the multidisciplinary „Inventory of Anchialine Pools in National Parks in Hawaii“, as part of a Master Thesis project
Professional Training and Development
International House Lisbon 05/09
Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) Lisbon, Portugal
ESRI 08/07
Introduction to ArcGIS I and II Lisbon, Portugal
University of Lisbon 10/96-05/97
Language Studies: Portuguese, beginners and advanced Lisbon, Portugal